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The People Behind Opus Grows


We stand for impeccable soil quality, organic growing, and sustainably sourced ingredients. Our team is continuously looking for ways to make our potting soils better, so that you can grow with confidence and always achieve the goals that you set for yourself, whether you strive for longer-lasting blooms, sweeter homegrown tomatoes, lusher exotic ferns, or the hottest peppers on the Scoville scale. Your satisfaction with our soil is our top priority.


Opus Grows is the newest addition to the organic line of gardening and landscaping products by Rexius, a family-owned business that was founded in the 1930s in Eugene, OR. As an extension of the Rexius family, our employees are the driving force behind our longevity and success, always helping us to make positive contributions to our local community.


We are committed to the promise of good soil stewardship, and with it, a focus on the long-term benefits of providing environmentally responsible products. Good soil stewardship is an important step in keeping our planet healthy.


We have been an independent business since our inception. Our bottom line doesn’t feed into corporate profits, which means that we are free to run our business exactly the way we want: Like humans. We are active members of our local community and we love being able to choose how to contribute to the common good.

Rexius was started four generations ago, when all farming was done the way it ought to be: Organically. For over 80 years, we have kept our products local and organic. Our business has grown and changed throughout the years, but we have never strayed from the conviction that we must do our part to care for the environment by keeping healthy and sustainable farming traditions alive.



Rexius ​represents ​more than 80 years of history rich ​in ​services, products​,​ and traditions that ​provid​e​ great value​ to the community and a model for sustainable business practices​.

Coming Soon!

We are working hard building the Opus Grows community to bring you new features that will be informative and useful toward helping you grow with confidence!

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