Mix No.2
Nuts for Coco
Mixed with a high percentage of coconut coir, which some growers prefer. It will hold water longer so less attention is needed.

Bio-Tope creates a growing environment that supports high microbial activity for exceptional plant development. Use it in the base of any plant container—old or new. This high-quality mix for fast growing plants & increased longevity helps tired-looking soil.

Mix No.1
All Purposeful
Opus Grows Mix #1 is a biologically-enhanced soil with Mycorrhizae and a shot of cultured compost Bio-Tope™. This Opus mix helps your plants establish and maintain a savory environment for healthy microbial populations.

Mix No.3
Lush Hydroponics
Opus Grows Mix #3 is blended for better drainage, perfect for those who water heavy and feed often. Biologically-enhanced soil with Mycorrhizae and a shot of Bio-Tope® cultured compost.

Mix Zero
Opus ZERO contains our own special craft cultured compost made of natural materials and brewed using time-honored techniques that take advantage of natural processes and reduce the need for fossil fuels. This sensational compost blend is Opus’s own recipe - only found in a bag of Opus Grows® Natural & Organic Premium Growing Mix.