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Plants - The Perfect Last Minute Gift

Like it or not, the holiday season means presents, from everything to host/ess gifts to brightly wrapped packages for little ones. But gifting doesn’t have to mean endless trudging through the mall. This year, you can play Santa at the nursery with growing gifts your friends and family can enjoy year round. Here are some ideas for potted gifts to please even the most elegant and chic on your gift list:



For your friend who only wears black - and whose apartment looks like a sound stage for a 2001 reboot - consider the snake plant. These elegant and structural plants have clean lines and coloring that won’t sabotage the delicate composition of their decor - especially if you pick a simple color-blocked planter like this.

For snake plants the best soil mix is a fast-draining one, like Opus Grows Mix #3.



For your sister whose sartorial inspiration is Stevie Nicks, succulent bowls are an excellent choice. Succulents come in lovely muted purples and pinks. Mix and match shades, shapes and heights to make a colorful tableau that will complement their hung tapestries and sit pretty on reclaimed wood tables. Try a planter made from natural materials like this.

For succulents the best soil mix is the porous, perlite and pumice-rich, Opus Grows Mix #3.



For your cousin who drinks his weight in kombucha, green juice and bone broth, try potted aromatic herbs. Both lavender and rosemary work well indoors and are strong enough to fill their meditation space with calming scents. This planter will fit right into their home studio and maybe remind them to open their crown chakra.

For potted silver-leafed herbs the best soil mix is Opus Grows Mix #3, mixed for better drainage.


For your friend who’s first in line at the hottest new fusion cuisine cart, nothing beats your own countertop garden. She’ll be able to eat fresh greens even in the wintertime with this sleek and easy to use garden box that comes with it’s own LED grow light and microgreens seed mix. And fresh flavor is just one of the many benefits of microgreens. For microgreens the best soil mix is Opus Grows Mix #1, which comes with the planter box.



For little ones, what more magical gift than a fairy garden? It’s similar to a succulent bowl- but with a little moss and clever accessories it becomes the perfect habitat for fairies. Even better, if the junior gardener’s parent are game, a fairy gift exchange - with small treats left for the fairy and replaced by small treats for the child - can make the fun last all year. If your junior gardener has more of an entomological bent, venus fly traps or other carnivorous plants are perennial favorites.

Plant gifts have come a long way from red cellophane wrapped poinsettias and tinsel strung mini trees. And in a season where the onslaught of “stuff” can be exhausting, a plant present can be both a figurative and literal breath of fresh air.  SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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